Tag Archives: The Case for Easter

The Case For Easter Wrap-up

The Case for Easter

We had a very interesting evening of apologetics last night at the Williamsburg Community Chapel. Lee Strobel, Mark Mittelberg, and Michael Licona presented the Case for Easter in a simulcast to churches throughout North America.

Please use this post to make comments, ask follow-up questions, or share anything related to this event.  We also offer the following materials and resources from the simulcast producers:

Based upon questions from attendees after the event, here are a few apologetics resources we recommend:

For larger lists, check out our Toolbox, or this post.  If you’d like to dive into apologetics, here’s a sampling of Veracity’s apologetics posts.

For those new to—or unsure of—the Christian faith, here is a presentation of the Gospel in an interactive ebook that uses apologetics to share the joy of personal discipleship.

Confidence in Jesus Christ

Have a question, comment, or something to share? Please use the “What do you think?” box in the Comments section below. We look forward to sharing with you!


HT: Shirley Vining, Judy Williamson, Martha Karam, Dave Rudy, Clarke Morledge, Cliff Roebuck, Arlene Vander Loon, Eileen Grant, Andy Flint, Kevin Wilkins, Steve Flanary