Tag Archives: imputation

2 Corinthians 5:21 — The Heart of the Gospel Message, or A Defense of Paul’s Apostolic Ministry?

2 Corinthians 5:21 is one of most memorable verses in the Bible. In the NIV translation, it reads: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

But it is also one of the most controversial verses in the Bible. Who knew?!

For Martin Luther, the greatest voice of the Protestant Reformation, 2 Corinthians 5:21 succinctly summarizes the heart of the Gospel message, that a “great exchange” has taken place:

“That is the mystery which is rich in divine grace to sinners: wherein by a wonderful exchange our sins are no longer ours but Christ’s and the righteousness of Christ not Christ’s but ours. He has emptied Himself of His righteousness that He might clothe us with it, and fill us with it. And He has taken our evils upon Himself that He might deliver us from them… in the same manner as He grieved and suffered in our sins, and was confounded, in the same manner we rejoice and glory in His righteousness”  (Martin Luther, Werke (Weimar, 1883), 5: 608).

Many Protestant theologians argue that 2 Corinthians 5:21 best articulates the concept of imputation, which describes the mechanics of how the doctrine of justification by faith “works” (no pun intended). To “impute” something in common everyday English usage often has a purely negative connotation, as in “to impute guilt to somebody,” but in Christian theology, there is a lot more going with “imputation.” This theological concept of “imputation” comes from a bank accounting metaphor, as in to “credit” something to someone’s bank account. Essentially, every human being has a debt that we can not pay on our own, because of sin. The good news of the Gospel suggests that Christ has paid that debt by means of a credit to our spiritual banking account.

2 Corinthians 5:21 has what has been described as a “double imputation.” First, it says that Christ who had no sin had sin imputed (or credited) to him, when Jesus died on the cross. Secondly, the work of Christ then results in imputing the righteousness of Christ to the believer. As a result, a believer in Jesus, who is guilty of sin, has the verdict of guilt exchanged with the very righteousness of Christ, a verdict of “paid in full,” something we do not deserve. In other words, because of this “great exchange,” when God looks at a believer in Jesus, God no longer sees our sin, but rather God sees the righteousness of Christ instead. This is the heart of the Gospel message.

However, not everyone agrees that this concept of the imputation of Christ’s righteousness is being taught in 2 Corinthians 5:21. This is “fightin’ words” in some circles as 2 Corinthians 5:21 is often regarded as THE definitive, “go-to” verse teaching the imputation of Christ’s righteousness, more than any other verse in the New Testament. Christians who look to great historical figures of the Reformation, like Martin Luther and John Calvin, cling to this understanding of 2 Cornthians 5:21 as foundational to our understanding of salvation. Others however are convinced there is no concept of imputation to “go-to” in 2 Corinthians 5:21.

Herein lies the focus of the controversy.

Are you ready to rumble???  Reformed theologian Wayne Grudem is: …. (Read on to learn more about the controversy)

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Imputation: The Chocolate Chips in Luther’s Theological Cookie

Martin Luther (1483-1546), by Cranach (credit: Wikipedia). “Imputation” was the core theological concept behind Luther’s thinking. So then, what is “imputation?”

Imputation. Have you ever heard of that word? We do not use it in normal conversation. But in the 16th century, imputation became a battleground idea for the Reformation. This crucial theological concept helps us think through a true understanding of the Gospel, even today.

Theologian Michael Horton, one of the scholars interviewed in the film documentary This Changed Everything, about the Reformation, likens imputation to a cooking analogy. If you try to make chocolate chip cookies, but leave out the chocolate chips, then you have pretty much left out the main ingredient. Likewise, many Protestants would argue that if you talk about the Gospel, but leave out imputation, then you end up with a chocolate-less cookie. Before we get at the definition of imputation, let us see why this might be so important. Continue reading

Why N.T. Wright Can Be Both Fascinating and Frustrating

Nicholas Thomas Wright. British New Testament scholar, retired Anglican bishop, ... and agitator among more than a few conservative, evangelical Protestants.

Nicholas Thomas Wright. British New Testament scholar, retired Anglican bishop, … and agitator among more than a few conservative, evangelical Protestants.

This fall, our church has been conducting a Bible study on the first eight chapters of the Book of Romans. We have been using a study guide written by an Anglican New Testament Scholar teaching at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, N.T. Wright, Romans (N.T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides).

I need not give you a biography of N.T. Wright, other than to say that Wright is perhaps one of the most influential evangelical scholars of our day. In the 1990s, Wright wrote about and impressively critiqued the rather infamous Jesus Seminar, that sought to determine the “truly” authentic sayings of Jesus in the Gospels simply on the basis of majority vote among the Jesus Seminar scholars. Wright also wrote perhaps the best contemporary defense of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, The Resurrection of the Son of God (the only other book that comes anywhere close to exceeding Wright’s work is Michael Licona’s The Resurrection of Jesus: A New Historiographical Approach). He has been a bishop, and he regularly speaks all over the world, appealing to conservative and liberal-minded Christians alike, along with interested skeptics and seekers. N.T. Wright writes faster than most humans can read… and he is overall an excellent and engaging writer, writing for both academia and also for the popular audience, as with his C.S. Lewis-like introductory book to the Christian faith, Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense. For the intellectually inclined, Wright is very much like a C.S. Lewis for our times… and he even has a great English accent to listen to!

But Wright also disturbs many of his fellow Christians, particularly those from a Reformed theological background. Now, the study of Romans is incredibly rich and rewarding in and of itself, but if you are not familiar with N.T. Wright, you might find yourself perplexed by some of the things N.T. Wright argues for in his study book. Consider a note on Romans 1:17 that Wright gives us on pages 13-14 of the Romans study guide:

Here Paul introduces a word and theme that will be critical throughout the letter. The Greek word and its variants are often translated as “righteous,” “righteousness,” “just” or “justice.” The problem is that Paul (though writing in Greek) has Hebrew words and meanings in mind, which English translations often overlook…..the phrase “the righteousness of God” [refers] to God ‘s own faithfulness to his promises to Israel, to his covenant…He keeps his word and thereby shows his trustworthiness, justice and righteousness…. What does this mean for what Paul is saying in Romans? [God] does not impart or impute or transfer his righteousness, his just character [to the believer]….”

and here is this remark on page 26:

The phrase often translated “righteousness of God” … is not, as some have argued, a righteous quality that God gives or imparts to humans. It is God’s own righteousness, his being true to the covenant. This covenant faithfulness carries with it more of the overtones that Paul is trying to highlight, referring back to God’s covenant promises to Abraham to undo the problem caused by the sin of Adam. But Israel failed to both keep the law and bring the message of God to the nations.

For evangelical Christians who read this, those who have grown up hearing sermons about the “imputation” of Christ’s righteousness to the believer, primarily through Christ’s “active obedience” to the Mosaic Law, thus enabling God to see us clothed in Christ’s righteousness, instead of our sin, sentences like those above from N.T. Wright are frankly startling. It can even be downright maddening! So then, what is N.T. Wright up to here? (CAUTION: you might need to put your thinking cap on!)
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