Was Easter Originally a Pagan Holiday?

A few years ago, this image linking the celebration of Easter with the goddess Ishtar made its rounds on the Internet on various atheistic websites. Is there any truth to such claims? In short, this is complete nonsense. But sadly, some Christians propagate these ideas, too.

A few years ago, this image linking the celebration of Easter with the goddess Ishtar made its rounds on the Internet on various atheistic websites. Is there any truth to such claims? In short, this is complete nonsense. But sadly, some Christians propagate these ideas, too.

So, is the Christian celebration of Easter originally derived from a pagan holiday?

Just yesterday I overheard the idea that Christians are dishonoring Jesus by being involved in a celebration that involves the painting of eggs. This otherwise sincere believer understood that Easter eggs are associated with the pagan practices of child sacrifice.

I just about fell out of my chair.

Sadly, a lot of folks get their information these days from random Internet websites, rather than credible, researched resources. Much of the “free” content available on the Internet on these subjects today come from public domain sources where the copyright has expired, such as some scholarly works written in the 19th century. For example, a Scottish theologian, Alexander Hislop (1807–65) wrote a pamphlet in 1853, The Two Babylons, where Hislop lays out his theory of the connections between Easter, as celebrated traditionally among Roman Catholics, and Ishtar, an ancient goddess of fertility and sex.  But more modern research has shown that such theories are without historical foundation.  To make a long story short, Easter has its roots in the Jewish celebration of the Passover and Christ’s resurrection, not ancient fertility rites.

In his day, apologists like Hislop were very interesting in writing polemic works designed to criticize Roman Catholicism in an attempt to promote a more Protestant understanding of faith. But today, these same type of arguments are used by atheists to attack Christianity in general. To complicate matters even more, as traditional religions associated with European paganism are being revived in the West, you will find various groups, such as modern day Druids and Wiccans, who use the same type of pseudo-scholarship folklore to justify their practices as a polemic against Christianity!

Unfortunately, there are some evangelical Christians today, mainly associated with the Hebrew Roots movement, introduced briefly here on Veracity, that thrive on such supposedly convincing theories. It is true that many evangelical Christians are basically ignorant of the Old Testament and the Jewish roots of the Christian faith. So while the modern trend to have church-run Passover Seders in an attempt to make up for this deficiency could be a step in the right direction, mishandling of such practices might do more harm than good. In other words, if you think that a once a year church-run Seder is enough to ground the Christian believer in an understanding of authentic Jewish belief and Old Testament theology, then you are probably short changing yourself. If you really want to understand the Old Testament, there is simply no shortcut other than actually taking the time to read and study the Old Testament, or the “Hebrew Scriptures,” as many Jewish people would prefer to say. Furthermore, developing a friendship from an actively practicing Jewish person is probably the best education you can get!

The problem with much that goes on with the “Hebrew Roots” movement is that in their enthusiasm to get back to the Jewish roots of our faith, they inadvertently toss “the baby out with the bathwater,” all based in ignorance as they appeal to the conspiracy theory logic of those like Alexander Hislop.

Now, I am not much into painting Easter eggs, and if avoiding such practices help you to distinguish Christian faith from the revival of neopaganism, then that is perfectly understandable. But please do not take away my chocolate Easter bunny. Yum! Yum!

The main point here is that we should not allow atheists and pagans to hijack Easter. Our confidence in the Gospel is not grounded in conspiracy theories. Instead, it is about the celebration of our Risen Lord from the empty tomb!! Arm yourself with a knowledge of what the Bible teaches and credible scholarly research. Here are few recommended resources online for correcting some of the misconceptions about Easter:


About Clarke Morledge

Clarke Morledge -- Computer Network Engineer, College of William and Mary... I hiked the Mount of the Holy Cross, one of the famous Colorado Fourteeners, with some friends in July, 2012. My buddy, Mike Scott, snapped this photo of me on the summit. View all posts by Clarke Morledge

6 responses to “Was Easter Originally a Pagan Holiday?

  • Planting Potatoes

    very interesting. When I was young, we would come home from church and hunt for easter eggs – so it was very difficult to separate the two – but now I can accept that colored eggs, bunnies, and yes, (choc bunnies) celebrate spring – a season that God brings us each year! The crucifixion and rising of our Lord is in itself, an entirely different and certainly most important event! God bless you!


  • Clarke Morledge

    Found another helpful resource by a guy named Nick Sayers. He leans towards being a King-James-Only advocate, but because the word “Easter” is found in Acts 12:4, it makes sense for him to offer a defense of “Easter” to be used in a positive way for Christians to refer to the resurrection of our Lord.



  • Matthew Parhum

    Where is the scriptural Commandment to observe “Easter”? Or Sunday Sabbath? Or Good Friday? How do we get there days and three nights in the tomb from Friday to Sunday?


    • Clarke Morledge

      Hi, Matthew. Thank you for commenting at Veracity.

      You might want to consider Acts 20:7, which speaks of the early church practice of breaking bread together on the first day of the week (Sunday) to celebrate the Resurrection. While the Christian calendar locates “Easter”, at least as it is called in the West, on a particular day of the year, it would appear that the early church celebrated the Resurrection every week!!

      Regarding the “three days and three nights” issue, I have written two other blog posts that address the matter in detail. I would welcome your feedback and criticism about what I argue there. The first post was written to try to address conspiracy theory type thinking among some Christians. The second post was written to try to answer skeptics about the Bible’s trustworthiness. Blessings to you:

      Was Jesus Really Crucified on Good Friday?

      The Bible is Reliable… or Is That Just “Your” Interpretation?


  • Clarke Morledge

    Debunking pagan origins of Easter:


  • Clarke Morledge

    More nonsense from Jim Staley, the most recognized name associated with the “Hebrew Roots movement.” This time, Staley is somehow linking the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse with specific Bible prophecy. I wish someone would tell Staley that total solar eclipses pass over somewhere on earth roughly once every 18 months, and that on average, a solar eclipse will pass over the same spot on the earth once every 375 years. While rare to most people, solar eclipses are still relatively common astronomical events. So to associate any particular solar eclipse to a particular biblical prophecy 2,000 years away from the time of Christ is just purse nonsense.


What do you think?